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Worship at Wellspring

Our gathering testifies to the fact that God has called us to walk together in Christ.

  • Coffee & Conversation (10:15am)
    For us worship is more like a family gathering than a production. People stream in as it’s comfortable for them and we catch up over locally roasted coffee and whatever food people brought to share that day.
  • Music & Singing (10:35am)
    We begin in song to remind our bodies that we are in the presence of God. We are led by a small team of musicians which, depending on the week, includes vocalists, a pianist, a guitarist, and a drummer on a cajon.
  • The Message (10:50am)
    Adults & Teens A 20 minute message preached on a passage from the Bible. The Playroom (4 and younger) In the Playroom kids 4 and younger sing another song, hear a Bible story, and maybe work on a small craft. Kids Table (K-5) In the Kids Table, elementary-aged kids hear a story from the Bible and have a chance to answer “wondering” questions about the story as they learn how to hear and interpret God’s Truth from the stories in the Bible.
  • Prayer & Reflection (11:10 - 11:15am start)
    After the message, a Wellspring leader walks us through a time of reflection on the message received and we pray together.
  • Communion (11:20am - 11:30am start)
    We conclude by sharing together in the Lord’s Supper.
Agenda Anchor
Do we have kids and youth programs
What can you expect on Sunday morning
How can you find us on Sunday morning
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