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Coffee & Conversation (10:15am)For us worship is more like a family gathering than a production. People stream in as it’s comfortable for them and we catch up over locally roasted coffee and whatever food people brought to share that day.
Music & Singing (10:35am)We begin in song to remind our bodies that we are in the presence of God. We are led by a small team of musicians which, depending on the week, includes vocalists, a pianist, a guitarist, and a drummer on a cajon.
The Message (10:50am)Adults & Teens A 20 minute message preached on a passage from the Bible. The Playroom (4 and younger) In the Playroom kids 4 and younger sing another song, hear a Bible story, and maybe work on a small craft. Kids Table (K-5) In the Kids Table, elementary-aged kids hear a story from the Bible and have a chance to answer “wondering” questions about the story as they learn how to hear and interpret God’s Truth from the stories in the Bible.
Prayer & Reflection (11:10 - 11:15am start)After the message, a Wellspring leader walks us through a time of reflection on the message received and we pray together.
Communion (11:20am - 11:30am start)We conclude by sharing together in the Lord’s Supper.
Agenda Anchor
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